Anatomy of an Entrepreneur

"Head over heels" in love with your startup idea?  Are you "knee-deep" in tasks to set up your business?  Do the "butterflies in your stomach" keep you from approaching new clients? The startup doctor is here to make sure you succeed.

Entrepreneurship requires mind and body immersion. Symptoms include:
  1. Chip on the shoulder - Entrepreneurs often feel they can achieve more than the average person.
  2. Neck on the line - Founders take full ownership and responsibility, good, bad and ugly.
  3. Takes nothing to heart - Criticism doesn't phase the entrepreneur.
  4. Funny bone - Keeping a sense of humor will ensure success.
  5. Gut instinct - Entrepreneurs make decisions from incomplete data.
  6. Hands-on - Entrepreneurship isn't a spectator sport.
  7. Knee jerk reaction - Quick reflexes to either sink or swim.
  8. Foot in the door - Networking drives a business.
Entrepreneurship may not be for everyone. Beware the side effects of any medication you take, and be careful: starting a company is contagious.

Let us know if you suffer from this ailment. What are you symptoms? Share in the comments below.


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