Perfection Rejection

You tweak and prod and edit and iterate.
You feel your product or service has to be a "Goldilocks just right" before you launch.

As a new entrepreneur you probably have a streak of perfectionism. The vision is so crystal clear in your mind that anything that strays from that image is not going to pass your test.

There are two watchouts with this:
  1. If you are a first time entrepreneur, beware of choosing a product, service or business model that takes a while to launch. Your may exhaust your runway before you make any traction. 
  2. If you take too long to launch, the ship may have already sailed. Your customers may have moved on. The platforms may have changed. The systems may be outdated.
Seasoned entrepreneurs recommend an approach in which you identify quick wins and test small incremental mock ups and products while working closely with your customers.

How long did it take to sell your first product? Let us know in the comments below.

Entrepreneur's Death Defying Acts

Death-defying feats of bravery, object manipulation, dangerous beasts and stunt-oriented artistry - these are sights you traditionally would see at the circus.

Select and Elect

Choices are tough. Americans have a major choice to make on November 8th. New entrepreneurs also have important selections to make.

Fishing for a Yes

"No way. Sorry. Nope. Not interested. Maybe later. I don't think so."  As a new entrepreneur, you have to get used to the "No"!

Improving your BS Radar

I smell a rat. The employee is upto no good. The competition is about to launch an attack. The new potential partner is going to undercut us. Our investor will back out.

How long will you be with your idea?

Are you in love with your idea? Is it going to be with you forever? Is it permanent? Are you ready to stay committed to your idea?
copyright 2014 #entrepreneurfail